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cob size  havanna and conker double bridles one with infinity stitching 1 plain 

£195 plain 

£215 fancy stitched


Havana and conker cob double bridles

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    Please note that: Transcend Bitless Bridles accepts no liability for any damage to, or injuries incurred by, people, animals or objects during any activities inspired by Transcend Bitless Bridle’s content or that of Transcend Bitless Bridles’ associates or collaborating riders. Individuals who choose to be in contact with horses, in-hand or ridden, using Transcend products, training materials or advice, do so at their own discretion and risk and assume full legal responsibility for themselves, their horses, and anyone/anything in the vicinity. Transcend Bitless Bridles offers no guarantee of success, nor human or horse safety, to those who choose to utilize any of the products, methods, practices, etc. offered for sale or suggested as resources. Handling and riding horses are High Risk Activities that hold potential danger: all horses may react unpredictably on occasions no matter how carefully handled, trained or managed. I understand and have read the above statement and will not hold Transcend Bitless Bridle, or any of its associates or collaborating riders, responsible in any way for any loss, damage, injury, etc. irrespective of circumstance, fault, cause or location.

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