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Selling out fast ONLY PINK, PURPLE  in medium AND CREAM light LEFT cream all sold.



Safety Stirrups for English and Western saddles

SmartRider UK’s Escape breakaway safety stirrups come in 8 colours and can be used for both English and Western saddles. 

I have 2 pairs of cream covered in black leather, see separate listing





NOTE: When purchasing stirrups, if you are purchasing more than 1 pair, please order them seperately. This allows us to keep shipping costs down. 




The stirrups have weighting guidance, however they do not fall apart unless your foot is in the position of being caught, whatever the weighting. For extreme sports in which you might deliberately hang upside down in the stirrups, the heavy weight will give slightly more resistance to breaking away

  • Light – 6st 3lb to 9st 6lb, 40 to 60 kg
  • Med 9st 7lb to 12st 8lb, 61 to 80kg
  • Heavy 12st 9lb to 17st 4lb, 81 to 110 kg


SmartRider Breakaway Stirrups ADULT pink and purple

£75.00 Regular Price
£50.00Sale Price
  • Escapes – suitable for both adults and older children

    Safety Stirrups for English and Western saddles

    Weight 400g per stirrup, internal foot width 125mm (5 inches), footplate depth 60mm (2.1/2 inches), fender width 75mm (3 inches).

    Our SmartRider ‘Escape’ Breakaway Stirrup is a Two-Part stirrup that disengages, setting the rider free when in a position of danger!

    The first ever Two-Part Breakaway Safety Stirrup to be made in such a revolutionary high-tech material, the unique innovation incorporates UV protection within its design and is produced in an array of colours: black, brown, blue, beige, burgundy, pink, purple and red.

    The curved stirrup bar provides extra comfort when riding.  Please see Testimonials to read how this has helped our customers with comfort, confidence and reducing their aches and pains.

    It also has the added benefit, when tilted to a 180 degree angle that the unique system doubles as a ladder!

    Please be aware that due to the design of these stirrups you may require shorter stirrup leathers.

  • Purchases of multiple pairs of stirrups will incur extra postage charges.

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Please note that: Transcend Bitless Bridles accepts no liability for any damage to, or injuries incurred by, people, animals or objects during any activities inspired by Transcend Bitless Bridle’s content or that of Transcend Bitless Bridles’ associates or collaborating riders. Individuals who choose to be in contact with horses, in-hand or ridden, using Transcend products, training materials or advice, do so at their own discretion and risk and assume full legal responsibility for themselves, their horses, and anyone/anything in the vicinity. Transcend Bitless Bridles offers no guarantee of success, nor human or horse safety, to those who choose to utilize any of the products, methods, practices, etc. offered for sale or suggested as resources. Handling and riding horses are High Risk Activities that hold potential danger: all horses may react unpredictably on occasions no matter how carefully handled, trained or managed. I understand and have read the above statement and will not hold Transcend Bitless Bridle, or any of its associates or collaborating riders, responsible in any way for any loss, damage, injury, etc. irrespective of circumstance, fault, cause or location.

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